Saturday, April 21, 2012

three times a charm

the counterbalance to that fatalism has been a hope/belief that God is good and love is still the most powerful force in our world.

i wrote that sentence in an email this morning as i was explaining another comment i had written -- a comment i no longer believe is true. so it appears life has given me another chance at love with my first, true and only love (that is if he hasn't changed his mind overnight). i won't spend a lot of time pondering what brought our roads back together. I will just be grateful that they are merging once again and will commit myself that they do not separate again until we are called back into communion with the One from whom all love comes.

i can't help but imagine the judgements that will come from family and friends with this decision. to all who read this blog and may feel critical of our choice, i ask one favor. with every recriminating thought, please lift a prayer for us, that our love will be enough to heal, to hold us fast to one another, to keep us true, and to make us happy.

and now to my beloved i dedicate two songs. the first is about something that it took this last year of separation to realize that it truly applies to how i feel about us (though given a choice, i'd go with good times with you). the second is a hope, a prayer, and a wish that the sentiments expressed in that song will be how we feel about one another when we rise in the morning, as we work through the day, and as we close our eyes for slumber at night.

i meant what i said last night. i love you. i always have. i know now more than ever i always will.

i'd rather by luther vandross

lucky by jason mraz and colbie caillat

and this is where I am