Sunday, November 6, 2011


this was a full week. much of my time at work involved participating in a leadership orientation process that was truly a profound experience. at the conclusion of the three days, i found myself commenting that the experience felt as if long dormant parts of myself were coming back to life. it was as if doors to various places in my heart that had been closed off were opening and new light and a fresh breeze was blowing through clearing out the dust and cobwebs that had accumulated. it was a good feeling. one that left me even more excited about my new job opportunity and even more committed to giving my best to the work.

today i had an awakening of a different sort. i had to speak with michael about some financial matters related to our home. it was a nice enough conversation if somewhat awkward on my part. at the conclusion, i felt a distinct sadness. it was as if the call was a reminder that for all the positive that has been taking place in my life of late there are still loose ends and some significant missing pieces. 

now i'm dealing with a mixture of sadness and well "ok-ness" -- a kind of light melancholy lingers. not sure when and how that will change. i do have to say though that it is nice for it to be a sunday and i'm actually looking forward to going into work in the morning. that's definitely a positive movement in my life.

and this is where I am