Thursday, July 27, 2023

Sunday, July 23, 2023

once more into the breach

i recently completed one of those assessments that tell you what your strengths are. as part of the process, the report that explains your strengths provides ideas of actions one can take "to maximize your potential." For one of my strengths, the encouragement was to "take time to write." when i read that, i immediately thought of this blog and well, with a quick update of the layout theme, i'm giving it (yet) another go of attempting to write regularly in this online journal (i'm happy to see blogger hasn't evicted me for abandonment of property).

so i guess i should start with an update on the latest for me. well, i still haven't found a permanent job though i've come close a few times. i am, however, working. i'm doing a consulting gig with an organization in the southeast, so yes, i find myself (yet) again in a new city, wondering when my life will ever settle down, when will i find "home." the experience though has been a good one as it's allowed me to do the type of work that ii really enjoy doing with a great team of people. it's just good to be doing some productive again.

at the same time, i've been recently reminded of some long past hurts that based on the depressive episode that the memories have triggered, i am definitely not quite healed. it started with an encounter with a guy i was interacting with through social media, which took an unfortunate turn, and then led to the recollection of the number of similar experiences that i've had -- sean and bobby being the most significant of those (but there are others). this then led me to remembrances of my failure in relationships from the "real world" -- michael and jonathan being the most significant of those (but, alas, there are others). and from it all i've realized that i still want intimate relationship in my life though have no clue how to make it happen and a growing doubt that as my time on this planet continues to lengthen, i will ever experience the meaningful companionship i desire. and so i'm doing my best to manage through yet another a mental health quagmire.

so, as you can see, not much has changed with me. so how have you been?

and this is where I am