Saturday, December 19, 2015

coming close

the title of tonight's song expresses an emotion that i have to admit has been in short supply in my life over the past few years (and really for large swaths of my life prior to that). to confirm this perspective, i looked up the definition and it is as follows:

a feeling of great happiness and pleasure. the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.

yep, not my current experience of life at all. 

it is true that the clouds of depression have parted to a great extent (thanks primarily to the wonders of modern medicine), but can i say that anything even approximating this emotion has come into my life. no, i can't at all. in fact, i continue to question what it would take for me ever to feel like the above posted definition.

the song posted this evening speaks of the exhilaration that comes as a result of the birth of jesus (i hope by now that there's some level of acceptance that songs about this particular event will appear on occasion during this month of holiday music sharing. i think this is understandably the case given the preponderance of songs about the subject in the christmas music catalog). 

i guess if i can't experience this emotion about the most immediate circumstances in my life, then at least for 3 minutes and 38 seconds i can come close in this celebration of god's great gift to the world.

joy - cindy morgan from one silent night

that's what i've been saying

i think the title of this song says it all, and a lovely, gentle reminder that the spirit of the season is something that is actually not bound to this time of year nor is it found in the trappings of this holiday.

love is christmas - sara bareilles

skating away

tonight's song is about escaping from the holiday setting, but the motivation behind it rests in something far more personal and painful than fatigue from the hustle and bustle of the season.

the festivities of this time of year can make for quite a painful juxtaposition when the dealing with the end of a relationship come to the fore. wanting to get as far away from "merry's" and "happy's" and  "jingling all the way" is a natural reaction when one's heart is broken.

believe me i know first hand.

river - sarah mclachlan from wintersong

Friday, December 18, 2015

wishing for a little peace and quiet

it's seven days until christmas (and six shopping days). at about this time in the holiday season, folks begin to become a bit fatigued with the endless stream of activities that are coming their way -- decorating, shopping, parties, wrapping gifts, baking, preparing for visits of family and friends. the list of things to do can be quite overwhelming. a little break in all of the busyness of the season is often desired and sometimes even required to keep one's sanity.

this morning's song is one that reflects on the seemingly unrelenting demands of the season and that need for a few moments of respite in the midst of them. if you're in that place, i hope this moment of enjoying this song will provide you with at least a little time of peace, quiet and renewal.

i need a silent night - amy grant from the christmas collection

Thursday, December 17, 2015

we find it all again on christmas day

tonight's song comes from a holiday movie that i have seen (numerous times). it is one of my favorite christmas movies (more on this in a special feature that i will be starting on monday) that is based on a much beloved children's book

i'm not sure i've seen a movie that captures so well the magic of christmas that we experience as children and yearn for as adults, and this song perfectly conveys the beautiful message of this well-crafted story.

believe - josh groban from the polar express original motion picture soundtrack

let's go to the movies

another wonderful tradition of the holiday season is the holiday-themed movie. every season there are old favorites to revel in anew and new ones to enjoy.

often with these movies there is a great song that plays over the closing credits. i don't know about you, but when that happens, i find myself lingering in the theatre to listen to the song to its conclusion.

so today's songs are two of my favorites from the cinema. they're both actually from films that are probably intended for children but certainly have their appeal to children of all ages.

this morning's song is actually from a movie i have not seen as yet (though i am very familiar with the cartoon that is its predecessor). i have it in my collection of blu-rays to watch, but as of yet, have not done so. it's a song though that is often played on the radio at this time of year, and i think it's a delightful addition to the holiday music assortment.

where are you christmas? - faith hill from dr. seuss's how the grinch stole christmas (original motion picture soundtrack)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

amen and amen!

tonight's song is by someone who by any measurement would have to be considered one of the greatest singers of pretty much any generation. the term "a voice for the ages" not only applies to her, but it seems as if it were invented for her.

even though she left this life tragically and much too soon, we will remember and celebrate the gifts she gave us in song. this particular christmas musical selection is certainly one of them.

joy to the world - whitney houston (feat. the georgia mass choir) from the preacher's wife original soundtrack album and one wish the holiday album

hallelujah, this is christmas!

christmas grows ever nearer and so i thought that today's songs would be songs by great vocalists that celebrate what i feel is the essence of christmas -- a joyful celebration of hope, love, peace, and healing for all.

this morning's song is by a singer that an old friend once said she could just listen to him sing the phone book and it would be a powerful experience. here is the title song from his christmas album that i would submit is even better than a rendition of the phone book.

this is christmas -- luther vandross from this is christmas

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


if the title of this entry was not enough of a clue to tonight's song then you my friend have had a deprived childhood. even so, let me have the privilege of introducing to you probably the most delightful christmas novelty song you will ever hear.

the chipmunk song (christmas don't be late) -- alvin and the chipmunks from let's all sing with the chipmunks

how will santa fit that in his sleigh?

so over the past fifteen days, we've seen that holiday songs come in a myriad of styles and genres. one popular category is the novelty christmas song. those quirky, off kilter songs that can't help bring about a smile and chuckle.

this morning i'm sharing a fun little song that is about a young girl who has a decidedly unconventional request for a christmas present. i sure hope santa's back is in good shape.

i want a hippopotamus for christmas - gayla peeve

Monday, December 14, 2015

and so this is xmas . . .

continuing on with the theme of expressing hope in a troubled world, tonight's song reminds us of that so much of the power to make positive change lies within us. we just need to have the will to use it. only then will we experience the benediction spoken in the story of the angels heralding the way to bethlehem -- peace on earth and goodwill to all.

happy xmas (war is over) - john lennon, yoko ono/plastic ono band, harlem community choir

the wrong shall fail

even with this being a season of celebration of joy and giving, it doesn't mean that we forget that the world is a difficult place for so many people. the recent events in paris, roseburg, and san bernadino as well as countries like syria, afghanistan, and iraq remind us that there is much pain resulting from senseless violence. famine and disease continue in many places, and we don't have to go far on a city street to see numerous people without homes to call their own.

there are a few songs that speak to these kinds of conditions that are set in the context of christmas. this morning's song dates back to the mid-1800's and is based on a poem by henry wadsworth longfellow. the poem was written at the height of the civil war and reflects both longfellow's despair about his son being seriously injured in that war as well as the recent death of longfellow's wife.

if there is one thing that this song reflects is that the pains of war and loss have long been with us. it also shows that even in the midst of such difficulty, we may still find a glimmer of hope in the promise of christmas.

i heard the bells on christmas day - jane monheit from the season

Sunday, December 13, 2015

no, there sure ain't

so tonight's song fully captures the new york christmas experience. the video i've linked to brings it to life even more. what i wouldn't give to have a slice of new york pizza, a hot pretzel and a walk by the rockfeller center christmas tree right now. maybe next year.

christmas in the city - elizabeth chan from christmas in the city

and it's christmas time in the city

probably buried somewhere in this blog, i have mentioned the fact that i was born in new york city. as a result, this city, which often is referred to as the greatest on the earth (and i wholeheartedly agree with this opinion), has a very special place in my heart.

as special as new york city is year-round, i find it to be particularly wonderful, almost magical, during the holiday season. the sights and sounds that fill the city are the holidays at their best, and that spirit of joy, peace, and goodwill seems to find it's way into many a heart and mind.

the songs i'm posting today are a celebration of christmas in the city. i keep meaning to make a visit to nyc during the holiday season, but i have let each year pass by without doing so. maybe 2016 will be the year.

despite my procrastination, f you haven't had an opportunity to see new york at christmas, i would encourage you not to delay your trip. you will be very glad for the visit.

christmas time in the city - mary chapin carpenter from twelve songs of christmas

and this is where I am