it's been another difficult saturday, continuing a very long streak of them. i had a moment when i was out and about where this wave of sadness just hit me so hard, i just had to sit down for a few minutes to recover. it is not the first time i've had such an experience. not quite sure what elicits this sudden manifestation of powerful emotion but i think it has something to do with seeing or hearing something that touches close to an issue with which i'm struggling.
in this case i was in my local bookstore, and i'd heard the voices of two friends in active conversation. when i looked over in their direction i could see it was two teenage girls and they were discussing how much they thought a third would enjoy their purchase as a birthday present. i don't remember much conscious thought other than thinking how nice it was they had such a friendship and then how much i wished i had such a friendship and then the air was sucked out of me and i found myself needing to sit on a nearby bench to collect myself. at least i didn't start silently crying this time (i waited until i got to the car for that).
in any event, i'm now going to try something new with all of you who have come by this very small, dark corner of the internet. as anyone who has read even a few entries on this blog knows, music is a very integral part of my life. many times (particularly of late) i will select a song to accompany an entry to express how i'm feeling.
well, now, i'm going to ask you to pick a song that you think it would be worth my posting. having read this or perhaps several other entries i've posted over the last little bit, i'd like you to pick out a song (or two or more) that expresses similar emotions and/or has been a help to you when you've had a similar experience to mine (though for all of your sakes, i hope such experiences have neither been as frequent or to the magnitude of mine over the past two years). you can leave your choice(s) by clicking the comments link and typing them in the dialogue box that appears.
to be honest, i'm more than a bit worried about doing this. i don't tend to get many comments on here, but i've been meaning to try this for awhile and thought today was as good a time as any to try it. so i appreciate your stopping by and your consideration of my request. i look forward to listening to some good music soon. thanks all.
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