Friday, December 18, 2015

wishing for a little peace and quiet

it's seven days until christmas (and six shopping days). at about this time in the holiday season, folks begin to become a bit fatigued with the endless stream of activities that are coming their way -- decorating, shopping, parties, wrapping gifts, baking, preparing for visits of family and friends. the list of things to do can be quite overwhelming. a little break in all of the busyness of the season is often desired and sometimes even required to keep one's sanity.

this morning's song is one that reflects on the seemingly unrelenting demands of the season and that need for a few moments of respite in the midst of them. if you're in that place, i hope this moment of enjoying this song will provide you with at least a little time of peace, quiet and renewal.

i need a silent night - amy grant from the christmas collection

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marin mazzie - back to before (ragtime) July 4, 1998

ii was reminded of this performance tonight and wanted to share it here as a tribute to a phenomenal talent who left us way too soon.