Tuesday, September 8, 2015

when will the string end?

so following an admittedly difficult night in which i went to bed more than a little weepy, i had to board a plane early this morning to head out of town on a business trip. as we were in the air, i started contemplating my reaction to the news of my friend not being able to meet up with me later this month.

this particular reflection centered on why the news had affected me so deeply. after not too long a time, the thought came to me that at least one reason for the strong reaction was that it just felt as if i was experiencing yet another disappointment in what has seemed an unending string of them over the past couple of years.

in work, in various relationships, in opportunities that never came to fruition, it seems that it has just been one heartbreak after another. "when," i asked myself, "is this string of disappointments going to end? when will events start going my way and the things i hope for actually start coming to pass?"

i don't think these are unreasonable questions. maybe not but the answers are still eluding me.

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and this is where I am