Wednesday, August 27, 2008

such a class act

I just finished watching Hillary Clinton's speech from the Democratic National Convention. Yes, I'm aware that it is the day after the speech, but now that I'm on Eastern Standard Time, I find it impossible to stay up past 10 p.m. and be fresh for work the next day. Therefore, I've employed my good friend Tivo to allow me to experience the convention, albeit with a time delay. Now back to the speech.

Thank you Sen. Clinton for showing the world why 18 million of us supported you through the Presidential primary process and why we know our nation would be privileged to have you serve as our President. I had no fears or concerns that she would not do everything she could to rally the party to support our eventual nominee, Barack Obama. However, I think she did even more than that.

She reminded people that this election is not about the candidates, it is about us, as in we the American people. It is about believing again that our government is here to serve us and to work on our behalf -- our as in broadly defined and inclusive of all our citizenry, not narrowly as in the privileged few, appealing only to special interests.

It is my sincere prayer that people really listened this time to not only the masterful speech given by Hillary, but the outstanding one delivered by Michelle Obama as well (now wouldn't that be a great ticket for the future). Stop listening to the party of McCain that appeals to your fears and prejudices and embrace the hope and vision for a better America that comes in the person of Barack Obama. Last I heard, "leadership" involves someone who inspires and motivates. America needs serious leadership for a serious time and seriously there's only one choice and it ain't the senator from Arizona.

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