Sunday, August 24, 2008

even the dmv knows me

I was walking out to the parking lot after a successful shopping day (a sports jacket and tie from Macy's, a pair of pants from Banana Republic, four pairs of shoes from DSW, a new vacuum cleaner and assorted toiletries from Target, some magazines from Borders, and a DVD from Best Buy -- it was a fun day) and I noticed that my new license plate has the letter "Y" repeated twice in succession. So it's "digit, digit, Y, Y, digit, digit."

Immediately, I'm struck by the realization of how appropriate that is, for like a three year old that has just discovered the interrogative, I am constantly questioning the meaning of this thing we call life. From the smallest matter (why are there so many different types of laundry detergents?) to the largest (why do people hate other people because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.?), I am pondering the elements of our existence. -- sometimes to the point of exhaustion.

Now, I have a car that shares that fact with the world.

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and this is where I am