Thursday, December 25, 2008

it just keeps getting "better"

So now the Pope decides to make us public enemy number one (again). I think this means that I'm officially done (click on title to link to my Subjectively Disordered: A Faith Life in Neutral entries on the old blog for more insight to this reference).

I was sent a helpful commentary on this issue from the Guardian, a UK newspaper. You can access it directly here:

Though well expressed my only slight rebuttal is that whether we like it or not the Pope still influences millions of people. Many of those people vote on things like Prop. 8 in California. Even more unfortunately (at least to me), they also react to their gay children with rejection and condemnation. It's commentary like the pontiff's that justify and I would submit even motivates their actions.

Perhaps on this day of celebration of a new light entering the world, it would be best to remember one of my favorite verses from Scripture, John 1:5 "and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness shall not overcome it."

Peace to all this Christmas Day.

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