Sunday, May 8, 2011

mother's day

i sometimes find myself pondering why so much of my life seems to fall outside of the american ideal. in other words, the facets of my life will likely never find their way into a hallmark commercial. so today on one of the biggest hallmark holidays there is, i find myself back in that place of pondering again. 

as i type this, my mother is on a cruise bound for europe -- a wonderful trip that i am happy she is able to make in her retirement. i love my mother. with her being a single parent, we had a close relationship as i was growing up. still, it's hard to keep feeling close when a parent doesn't except who you are at the fundamental core of your being. it's even harder when that person tells you that she would rather you be alone for the rest of your life than be with another man. it's particularly hard when you now fear you are in jeopardy of that very thing happening.

happy mother's day all.

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and this is where I am