Wednesday, August 24, 2011

good news

smiling is not something i've been doing very much of late. but today, to be honest, i'm beaming. the kind of smile that doesn't just exist on your face but extends all the way into your heart and warms your soul. now the pragmatist in me says that this feeling won't last and that maybe it's even a little silly to invest time in feeling this way. but when such feelings have been few and far between, my pragmatic side is just going to have to indulge me and allow me at least a few moments to bask in the news.

so soon i will be pulling up stakes and heading west to a new job opportunity and a new season of life. i've gone through several such transitions as i've commented on a few times previously in this blog. this one will certainly have it's challenges. i have no friends or family where i'm moving nor have i ever lived in that portion of the country. the job is large in scope and significant in responsibilities. and yet i am eager to begin and in many ways start anew. time to shake off the cobwebs, take a deep breath and dive in.

but first i need to start closing down shop here, say my goodbyes, prepare for the move and take a bit of a break. with all that is ahead, i'm pretty certain that the next few months should be very interesting. stay tuned.

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and this is where I am