Friday, December 4, 2015

indeed it is

so i've started compiling a list of potential holiday season songs to share over the course of this month. as i've done so, it's quickly becoming apparent that if i want to get through all of them, i'm going to need to start at least doubling up on songs shared each day.

with this plan in mind, some days i will do a morning and an evening entry. other days, there may be two songs shared in one post. today will be an example of the former approach.

the song i'm sharing in this first of two entries today was a no brainer as to the need to post it here. it's probably in my top three of all holiday songs, and, in fact, i'm surprised it's taken me this long to post. each time i hear this song, it brings a smile to my face and a lightness to my heart, so having this among my selections was easy. the slightly more difficult choice, given the large number of wonderful performances of the song (it seems to be a staple of the christmas album genre), was which rendition to share.

it came down to two choices, the person who first popularized the song and the one who popularized it for me. i chose the latter artist because she is the one who introduced me to this song. the fact that she is one of my all time favorite singers didn't hurt either (and believe me this will not be the last song you hear from her this month).

it's the most wonderful time of the year - amy grant from home for christmas

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and this is where I am