welcome back to the ietboyw 2015 favorite christmas albums countdown. today, i'm offering up selections from six more albums as we progress up the list to my all-time favorite holiday album. so without further ado, let's get to it.
24. the new young messiah - various artists
during the 90's there was a particular phenomenon that was quite popular in the contemporary christian music realm. it was the "event" album. the premise was very simple. assemble a variety of artists from across a particular record label (or even across labels) and have them perform, separately and/or together, songs that were related to a particular theme. several of these event albums were related to christmas, and the one i've selected is my favorite from that lot. it's a modern take on the classic 18th century oratorio messiah by george frideric handel. since it's such a large work, i thought selecting two of my favorites would only be appropriate.
o thou that tellest good tidings to zion - susan ashton, christine dente, cindy morgan
the trumpet shall sound - 4him
23. holiday wishes - idina menzel
this album comes from one of broadway's most beloved stars and certainly one of its most powerful voices. that voice could not be better suited for the song i've selected. it's one of those standard christmas songs that's a part of just about every christmas album. i don't think you'll hear a finer rendition than this one.
do you hear what i hear?
22. christmas - bebo norman
this album comes from another favorite contemporary christian music artist (i really need to investigate if that's the term that's currently in vogue). mr. norman represents one of my favorite types of recording artists, the singer-songwriter. his combination of thoughtful lyrics and wonderful acoustic-based melodies are truly a delight to listen to. the song i've selected is the opening track on this album. listen as it begins with just his voice and a piano accompaniment and then builds into what can only be described as a glorious call to worship. i get chills.
come and worship
21. a lovely way to spend christmas - kristin chenoweth
i guess this is the day for albums from broadway royalty. interestingly enough, kristin and idina originated the starring roles in what has become one of the most popular and successful broadway musicals of our time wicked. their appearance on the same day of my countdown is purely coincidental. what is not a coincidence is how well kristin brings such life and character to each and every performance on this album. here she is with the very talented jazz pianist john pizzarelli singing two holiday songs that i'm not sure i would have thought to put together, but it turns out they make a wonderful pair (both songs and singers).
sleigh ride/marshmallow world
20. snowflakes - toni braxton
toni braxton, toni braxton, toni braxton. i'm not sure much more needs to be said as to why this album is one of my favorites. it's just pure holiday, r&b deliciousness. so just listen to this song selection and be swept away to where few voices can take you (and if you have someone special, make sure they're close at hand so they can get "inspired" by ms. braxton's sultry suggestions).
holiday celebrate
19. christmas stays the same - linda eder
another powerful singer who also has performing on broadway as part of her resume. i don't think there's a better word to describe this album than "homey" (in the sense of a place that is reassuringly comforting). it's just one of those holiday collections that, with every listen, your mind goes back to the best christmas holidays at home you've ever experienced (or at least to every hallmark commercial you've ever seen with a christmas setting). the title track shared here exemplifies that dynamic quite well.
christmas stays the same
so that's all for today. be sure to come back tomorrow for selections 18 - 13.
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