Sunday, December 4, 2016

it's christmas time in the city

i've long maintained that there is nothing like christmas time in new york city. you can then imagine how delighted i am to be back to partake in the sights and sounds of the holiday season in what i believe to be the greatest city on earth.

friday night, i was in the city to see the show natasha, pierre and the great comet of 1812 (which by the way is an amazing experience and you should get tickets if you are able). i had some time to kill before needing to get to the theatre, so i decided to take a walk through the streets of manhattan to see  what i could see in the time i had.

now moving around on my still recovering ankle was not the easiest thing to do, but i managed to make my way to macy's in herald square and the rockefeller centre christmas tree. then it was a trip through times square to the theatre. it was a briskly cold night, and the streets were packed with residents and visitors alike. despite the temperature and the crowds, it felt nice to be in the midst of it all - a feeling that i think today's song captures very, very well.

silver bells - bebo norman

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and this is where I am