Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm back in that place again. That place where all seems dark and bleak. The place where no light seems to penetrate, and I grasp and stumble about through days that seem mostly aimless and pointless. Most of all it is a place where I look around and question much of what I've experienced based on what I see in contrast. I see people doing fulfilling work and I question if I've ever known anything but the silliness, strife and pettiness that seems to be part of my daily endeavors. I see the expression of love of the purest kind, and I wonder if my heart has ever or will ever know the same. I see people embraced for what they contribute to life and can't help but think how I've always felt so marginalized. So much seems broken around me and within me. I do know that I've been to this place before and managed to emerge, I think, stronger and better. But who can say?

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and this is where I am