Monday, September 26, 2011

farewell monday

so it's my last monday as an employee of my current organization. the weekend was also filled with some lasts. i had my last get together with my local friends (well last as a massachusetts resident that is -- i certainly plan on coming back to visit), my last haircut at the salon i go to here, and my last visit to a favorite bookstore. taking a last walk around the city of boston (again as a local resident), i did get a little sad. as i indicated in the last entry, goodbyes are not the easiest for me.

tonight, some co-workers are taking me out for a farewell dinner. then it's back home to continue the process of getting things prepared for the movers. not sure yet when the move for my belongings is actually going to take place, but i want to get things in order before i leave a week from tomorrow. at least there is activity in this area that gives me some assurance that an answer will be forthcoming soon.

i imagine there are some more melancholy moments ahead. my hope is that the excitement about what lies ahead will start to kick in and more than compensate for the sadness of the things i leave behind.

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and this is where I am