Wednesday, October 19, 2011

day three

so i'm at the beginning of day three of the new job and it's one week since my arrival in the denver area. i felt that i should write something even though i don't think i have very much to say. i was chatting with a friend last night and stated i was in a very zen like place. it's strange that i am because there's a bunch of loose ends that really need to be tied up but somehow in the last 48 hours or so, i'm not really bothered by it all. i'm usually not too fond of loose ends.

my initial experience with my onboarding process is both concerning and comforting. concerning from the standpoint that if this process is any indicator of the level of service provided by our department then we definitely have some work to do. it's comforting because helping our department figure out how to operate in the most effective and efficient manner is a central part of my job, i.e., i can see that my role is definitely needed and i will have plenty on my plate to keep me busy (i am fond of being busy). the critical success factor that remains an unknown to me is how receptive and capable people will be to enact the changes that are necessary. we pretty much had neither (receptive or capable people) at our last place of employment so i'm hoping for a better situation here.

i'm confident though that slowly but surely the pieces will fall into place. right now, i'm going to do my best to focus on moving more proactively on the things that i can control, starting with reviewing my game plan for getting acclimated to the organization and figuring out my vision for how i'm going to approach my work in this space. much to do, much to do.

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and this is where I am