Monday, October 3, 2011

moving day

it's moving day. well, sort of. for my belongings it's moving day. even as i type this the movers are loading up box upon box onto their truck, which will carry my stuff off to storage. there it all will remain until i find a place to live in my new location nestled beneath the rockies. i don't actually leave out until tomorrow.

still, it's been a full weekend of sorting through more things, determining what will travel with me to my temporary home and what will ultimately join the other already packed items in storage. i'm a little worn out and looking forward to a couple weeks of comparatively more restful pursuits.

i state comparatively because while there won't be much physical exertion there will be quite a bit of emotional energy expended -- both in a good way (integrity toys convention, visiting with friends) and not so good (going to the st. louis house, seeing michael again). all in all, the beginning of the next two week break between jobs will be anything but uneventful. fortunately, the last part finds me settling in and having some time to rest up for the new job and my next phase of life.

but first, dinner with friends from work this evening. then, it's time to pack up the car and hit the road in the morning bound for chicago. i'm not sure how much i will be able to post while traveling, primarily given the busy activities ahead, but i'll try to squeeze in at least a couple of updates on how i'm doing. don't want to keep all the fun to myself.

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and this is where I am