Tuesday, October 4, 2011

a voice from the past

so i'm stopped for the evening somewhere in ohio en route first to some fun at the integrity toys convention in chicago but ultimately to my new home in colorado. anyone who reads this blog has to come away with a few clear facts about me. probably one of the clearest is the important place music has in my life for expressing and understanding thoughts and feelings. on today's drive i pulled out a cd that i had not listened to in a while, but it has had and continues to have (as evidenced by today's listen) a great impact on my life.

the album is a distant call by the truly talented susan ashton (produced by the amazingly gifted wayne kirkpatrick). anyone familiar with this pair knows that they created some wonderful music together in the 90's. the combination of susan's beautiful vocals and interpretation with wayne's direction of the music (much of which he wrote) was truly magical. this particular album is my favorite. during different times in my life the songs from it have spoken to me deeply, often clarifying experiences that i was going through.

as i was ambling along the highways of pennsylvania, the song i'm sharing now jumped out at me as a most appropriate expression for how i'm feeling about life right now. i've always loved this song, and today that affection has grown deeper. i hope it speaks to you as well.

lonely river -- susan ashton

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and this is where I am