Sunday, February 10, 2013

microsoft fail

some of you have no doubt read about the fiasco of a product launch that occurred yesterday with the release of the microsoft surface pro. all over the us, people went to various retailers to purchase this new tablet with the power of a laptop only to be told there were few to none of the items to be found. I was one of those people. i went to two best buys, the microsoft store in the local mall, and the microsoft online store. i ended up having to place a pre-order at a best buy with no assurance of if and when i would receive the product.

when i went on the ms online site, i ended up buying a carrying case for the device i hope to own someday soon (i also ended up buying a touch pad cover at that best buy -- i'm nothing if not an optimist). as a result of that purchase, i got a follow up online survey about my experience. the section below is what i wrote in response to the last question of what would have made the experience better:

It would be helpful to have the actual product that I'm looking for. I am extremely disappointed with the way the Microsoft Surface Pro launch was handled. I went on the site to purchase the device and a wedge mouse and ended up leaving with a carrying case in the vain hope that I would have the other products in the near future. Yet I have no sense when that day will be and your company has done little to provide any clarity. Again, I am hopeful, but I am also skeptical of how much I should truly invest in Microsoft products. I can assure you that if Apple ever turns its attention to a device that can do true business computing, I cannot guarantee that I would continue to endorse your products. You still have an opportunity for service recovery -- one I should add that is dwindling with every passing day. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

i also asked to be contacted by email about the experience. it will be interesting to see the response and what happens next. rest assured that i will post a follow-up here.

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and this is where I am