Sunday, October 6, 2013

struggling . . .

it's been awhile since i was last here. and if i am here, it's because i need to let something out and i'm struggling for answers. i've been in a blue mood for a few weeks now. i'm not sure why. i've been disappointed by so much that has been happening lately.  the common thread is that all of the circumstances seem to be examples of lack of progress in moving forward. 

two songs have been speaking to me in this time of sadness -- both by the same artist. ironically (or maybe providentially), they appear back to back on her new "greatest hits" album. i'm posting links to them here (click on the titles below). i understand why the first one speaks to me. feeling like an outsider to life and yet having a desire for deep connection has haunted me pretty much from the first moment i can remember. the second one, i'm not clear on why the resonance. all i know is that i have the sense that it is a song that somehow will be the theme for this next period of my life and that the answers to how and why will appear when the timing is right.  in the meantime, if you've got any suggestions, please let me know.

people like us

catch my breath

both by kelly clarkson


Sean said...

Hi. I read and liked your most recent blog. :) We all go through these moods and then get through them. Life was not meant to be taken seriously, I am convinced.

clarus65 said...

thanks sean. yeah, this is about my every 6-8 months cycle of these feelings. every time i learn something new. waiting to see what this time holds.

and this is where I am