Wednesday, January 8, 2014

it sure is

to state that i am a music lover would likely be unnecessary to those who have read this blog for any length of time. one of the aspects of music that i greatly value is how listening to even a simple lyric of a song can unleash a whole cascade of thought and emotion. these can be feelings, memories, or revelations directly related to the literal meaning of the song or the song can merely be the catalyst that leads to a reflective experience that has nothing at all to do with the song's subject matter. whether the thoughts are are happy or sad, encouraging or discouraging, i am fascinated by the phenomenon.

as you've probably already assumed with this introduction, i experienced this dynamic earlier today. actually it occurred at the very beginning of my day as i was engaged in my morning ritual of listening to music as i was getting ready for work. i was listening to the album coil by one of my favorite bands toad the wet sprocket. to be honest, i was only half listening to the album as one tends to do with music that is particularly familiar, but the song rings came on, which interestingly enough is one of the briefer songs, and as it played, the following lyric somehow caught my attention:

isn't it strange, how truth can change?

my almost reflex reaction was, "it sure is," and a whole train of thought started on how the "truth" of my life seemed so different now than it was even a few months ago. in the blink of an eye, it feels i've gone from being a "we" to an "i", from having the seeming security provided by being in a committed relationship to (what is at least for me) the discomfiting uncertainty of life on my own. while the break up may have built over months, it only took one conversation for it to be enacted. my "truth" changed in the span of an hour plus long discussion.

i keep thinking that such a thought should be encouraging. if "truth" can change from a desired state to a difficult one in what seems like overnight, could not the same thing happen in reverse? i've reflected before on how my logical and emotional sides are often at odds on the same thought. in this case, my "head" fully apprehends that of course such a change is possible, but for some reason, unfortunately, my "heart" is just not in it.

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and this is where I am