so i'm in the second and final week of my vacation and today finds me hundreds of miles from home for the second time over the course of this vacation period. this time i'm on the west coast for a beach trip. i've been looking forward to this trip ever since i booked my flight and made my hotel reservation. driving to the airport that enthusiasm was very much present, but once i arrived at the small regional airport my mood started to shift.
standing at the baggage claim, the thought came to me that this is the first time i've taken a vacation by myself to a new location in quite some time. a few glitches with the rental car and my hotel room later, i was sitting on the hotel room bed and wondering if this trip was a good idea after all.
i took a walk along the beach, listening to the cast recording of if/then, the whole time wondering yet again where my life is going. and the feeling of being particular alone and uncared for mixed with the sea air and flooded my inner most self. it was a long walk (and not as a result of the distance). and now i sit on this hotel room bed again and i think this may be a long three days. very long indeed.
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