the amazing thing about james taylor's songwriting is no matter how specific a song may be to his own experience, often you can feel as if the song were written just for you about your own life. in the case of this song, the notion of wanting to believe that you can be the man that you once were in the best sense is certainly an emotion i've been feeling of late. sadly, i haven't been very successful in sustaining a belief that is possible.
another interesting alignment between this song and my own life is the setting. i've recently been having recurring dreams about the time i spent in england in the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college. each time i awake from those dreams i know that that dream reflects my mind retreating to a time in which i was happy and filled with hope and a love for life with a belief in all of its infinite possibilities. in short, a time that was very, very different from now. a time and a perspective that i've come to feel will never come again.
london town - james taylor
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