Saturday, June 20, 2015

one final song for a love almost long gone

this is a song that when i first heard it i immediately thought of the last days of my relationship with michael. it certainly reflects how i was feeling during those trying times.

it's a difficult thing to end a love that is so deeply rooted in one's heart. ripping it out and casting it aside leaves a hole of unmeasurable proportions. the loneliness and emptiness one experiences seems like a cruel exchange for an act that you believed (and still do believe) was the exact right thing to do.  it is crueler still when the person you left so quickly fills that void with a fresh and new love and the hole in your heart has just grown wider and deeper over the almost two years since the wound was first made.

i have spent a very lonely and quiet day with a hunger for comfort and assurance. both have eluded me this day as they have on so many days and weeks and months prior to this. i had a moment today when i stared into the darkness that is my life and i realized there is nothing in my life that can provide these things. there is no love for me in this world, not now and i fear not ever.

believe it or not - james taylor

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and this is where I am