Friday, September 25, 2015

like a moth

when it comes to relationships with men, i seem to have the same pattern. i am initially attracted by what i see is a light and warmth to their personality. it is what i perceive to be a depth of insight and a kindness of the heart.

in the same way that a moth responds to the light of a flame, i am drawn to them almost immediately and entirely. and just like a moth i am compelled to get closer and closer to them. it is only at the moment when my connection to them seems at its peak that i realize that what i have perceived them to be has been a lie created in my mind. before i know it, i become entirely consumed by the flames of disillusionment and am left burned and scarred for days, months, even years to come by the experience.

my trust grows cold and i am left with the belief that any kind of relationship with another man is doomed to failure. that is until i see another flame come into view.

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and this is where I am