so this weekend i decided to go on a refresh diet regimen. it's an attempt to reboot my healthier eating habits as i've slowly reverted back to eating habits characterized primarily of consumption of lots and lots of junk food. this regimen is made up of healthy "shakes" with small portions of fruits and vegetables. i'm doing ok, but i sure do miss my comfort food of burgers, fries, pizza, chicken wings and pasta (i've had this strange craving for spaghetti bolognese all weekend).
i've mentioned in many entries that music from the early days of my life has this calming, soothing effect on me. such is the case with the song i'm posting today. i figure if i can't have comfort food then a comfort song will have to do.
now it might seem strange that i view this particular song as one that provides comfort, but trust me it does. as with other songs of this type, the comforting effect is more about being transported to a time when i felt safe and loved and that the world was filled with opportunity.
as for my missing my comfort food, i'm hoping that when i am free to eat what i want, this type of food will make much fewer appearances on my meal menus. fortunately, a comfort song fills me up without any added calories (even so, i do think a bowl of spaghetti bolognese and i have a date in the very near future).
i'm not in love - 10cc
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