this past week, driving home from a long day at work, i found myself reflecting on what seems to be a recurring experience in my most recent relationships with men. you see, i have a fear of rejection and abandonment when it comes to relationships with other members of my gender. it's a fear that likely stems from the fact that my father essentially abandoned me, having had no contact with me between the age of about 4 until his death when i was 14.
the recurring experience has been that, with each of these recent relationships, there has come a point when i've expressed that i have this fear of sudden, permanent loss - a breaking off of the relationship that comes from some flaw inherent in me. to a person, each guy has shared with what i believe to be true sincerity that they were not going anywhere, that they would always be there for me.
so how many of the men who have said this to me are still present in my life in any meaningful way if at all? not a one.
it's difficult to be hopeful about experiencing lasting friendship/companionship when one's track record is so perfect.
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