Wednesday, January 17, 2024


one day during the just passed end of the year holiday season, i found myself on this blog, reading several past entries. doing so rekindled a desire to start writing again (something i unsuccessfully committed to at one point last year), and since that time, i've jotted down ideas for a few entries, but none seemed to be the right one for my re-entry into this space.

tonight, i was in the bathtub, rereading one of the graphic novels in my ever growing collection of yaoi manga (something to reflect on in another entry perhaps), and i read this statement from one of the protagonists,

i've tried not to think about the things i want but can't have. life is just a bunch of events that go nowhere. somewhere, i gave up. i've just been existing.

this. this declaration captures perfectly where i find myself in life at this time. and this is how i will start again to share my experiences here.

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and this is where I am