Thursday, June 23, 2011

biblical interpretation

just read a great article on the subject of the bible and homosexuality. it's a very well constructed and articulated explanation of how those in the evangelical christian community have double standards when it comes to biblical interpretation. now for those people like me, who are recovering evangelical christians, this information comes as no surprise, but i think the information can be very helpful for everyone the next time we're confronted with a "but the bible says" argument against gays or gay marriage (pay particular note to the part about how the church has traditionally viewed the relationship between marriage and celibacy). to get to the article click on the link below. plus, if you like this and want a great read in a similar vein, i highly, highly recommend The Good Book by the late Peter Gomes.

My Take: Bible condemns a lot, so why focus on homosexuality?

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and this is where I am