Wednesday, June 8, 2011

muddling through

am i ever tired. i've been having difficulty sleeping and so have had to resort to ambien to assist me in getting to sleep. but my fatigue is really not as much physical as it is emotional. i'm a little life weary right now. beginning in october of last year, this has been a pretty difficult year, filled with unexpected changes that have really left in their wake a bounty of unknowns. right now my path heading into the future has just one big question mark over it. maybe in reality that is actually always the case for all of us, but in this period of time, i'm feeling kind of "purposeless."  i'm just trying to do my best to put one foot in front of the other as if there is actually a point to it all. you know, it seems strange that it took me so long to articulate that today is just more of the same.

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and this is where I am