Wednesday, October 16, 2013

i am not happy

these are the words that came to mind as i was staring out the window of a plane traveling at 30,000 feet bound for miami. people who know me are well aware i use these words, said in a particular slow, deliberate cadence, when i am encountering a situation about which i am particularly displeased. if you read yesterday's blog, be aware that this particular phrase came to mind on more than one occasion over the course of that day. then again, it's been coming to mind quite a bit over the course of many days.

so what prompted today's reflection? i had been reading some business magazines, which invariably sets my mental gears in motion with ideas for solutions to current situations we're facing in our organization. as the ideas flowed, i encountered yet again the frustration of not being positioned in the right way to capitalize on them. and that frustration was just the first toppled domino that led to a cascade of thoughts on other aspects of my life about which i am frustrated which led to those four simple words, "i. am. not. happy."

not a fun start to the day and i wish i could say that my mood is much improved. unfortunately, that is not the case. yet, as i wrote to a friend recently, there's always tomorrow.

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and this is where I am