so i'm about to hit the road again for a particularly heavy travel period. how heavy? well, for frame of reference, i figured out that if i took all the days i was going to be away from now until december and put them together consecutively, it would be as if i were away for the entire month of november. this is not so appealing to someone like me who prefers to sleep in his own bed.
even so, there is going to be a lot of activity during this period, both professional and personal, which i hope means lots of great, new, stimulating experiences (at least that's what i keep telling myself to keep me motivated for being away from said bed). the agenda combines some work, some learning, some networking, some fun, and some downtime (that last would be thanksgiving at the end of this travel period). yet among all the variety of events, there is one that i am particularly anticipating.
the funny thing about anticipation is the expectation that generally accompanies it. this may come as a surprise to the readers of this blog, but i tend to think about things a lot (another "surprise" would be my ever present facetious nature) and with every thought comes the inevitable "if-then" scenario (hey, i'm a planner by profession. it goes with the territory). this time though, i'm doing my best to let go of that tendency and writing myself this reminder of that commitment. the only expectations i'm going to allow are to be open, be present and enjoy the moments as they come. now that's an agenda that's worth traveling for.
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