Sunday, July 13, 2014

the love of a father

so another song from if/then. i have written a few times about the effect that not growing up with a father has had on my current life. yesterday, i was listening to the cast recording of this musical as i was driving around town and this particular song came on. i have to admit that each time i have heard this song, i've thought "how nice it would have been to have a father who loved me like that." and yesterday when i had this thought, this well of emotion burst open in my heart, and i was more that a bit weepy for some time after. i find it amazing that even as old as i am there is still that kind of pain in me about a matter that i thought i'd long since come to terms about.

something that i do find kind of funny about my picking out this song is that there is another song sung by the same character, which i  posted in this entry, to which i've had a similar response of longing, but in that case it was about how much i would like to have such a decent, caring, thoughtful man in my life (and attractive to boot -- i've provided a link below to this actor's imdb page so you can take a gander).

sadly, there's no way to change the past and my lack of relationship with my father but i'll try to be hopeful that maybe this type of companion will appear someday soon.

hey kid -- james snyder in if/then

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and this is where I am