Monday, September 8, 2014

not well, not well at all

this was the response i gave in a text message inquiry from sean as to how i was doing. at the time i was referring solely to my emotional state, but over the course of the morning my physical state seems to have declined as well.

i have no idea to what degree the two states are related. i just know that i'm depressed. my body aches. i'm coughing with quite a bit of phlegm and a runny nose. and i'm really, really tired. i'm writing this from my bedroom having left work early and i'm about to take a nap.

it's my hope that when i awake i will feel better and be on the road to recovery. while i have a certain amount of confidence for my physical state, i feel that the journey to "better" will be a much longer one.

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and this is where I am