Wednesday, September 10, 2014

someone please come find me

i spent the day at home yesterday still not feeling well in body or spirit. had an interaction that led to my going to bed last night not feeling all that great about myself. i woke up this morning, got out of bed with my lower back in quite a bit of pain. so now i'm lying here with the heating pad on, hoping that with the advil some lessening of the pain will happen in the hour or so before i need to leave for work.

this has really not been my week and it's only wednesday. i'm tired and severely depressed and now in some substantial physical pain to boot. i've got a mountain of work awaiting me and staying out of the office another day to recover is not an option. my outlook on life continues to deteriorate much like the gradual disintegration my body seems to be making.

it's getting darker in these woods of mine. i can't seem to find the path out and help or hope seems nowhere to be found.

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and this is where I am