Tuesday, November 25, 2014

crawling into another holiday weekend

this week i am employing a very simple survival strategy, "just do your best to get through Wednesday and to the four day holiday weekend." it feels as if the cumulative effect of the year's emotional, mental, and physical stress and strain is weighing down my every movement, my every thought, my every breath. i didn't know it was possible to feel this spent and worn out.

i guess it doesn't help, as i know i've observed before, that i leave the day's work efforts and some battles just to take up an ongoing emotional struggle with assaults on my self-esteem during the evenings and weekends. it's all effort right now. no rest. no relief. just struggle.

today i heard a message about how difficult times make us stronger and challenges build our character. so, if this is true, i would imagine that as a result of this year or so, i should be at about a combination of charles atlas and mathama ghandi. yet, if that's the case why is that all i continue to feel is broken, alone, and lost?

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and this is where I am