after a somewhat difficult week and weekend emotionally, i'm happy to report that today was not too bad. while i wasn't exactly dancing on table top, i spent most of the day in a calm and collected frame of mind -- no fits of anger, no crushing depression. i moved from task to task with assurance and resolve.
i share this bit of information primarily because, upon his reading my blog entry from yesterday, a chat friend suggested that i try to write about something positive every once and awhile. i assured him that when the next opportunity arose i would be sure to do so. it has and so here it is.
i would have to say though that as positive as this day was, i did have a moment or two of "really? is this really happening?" and a bit of the sadness that has been shadowing me came into view but again, in sum, the day was not too bad, not too bad at all. now let's see if we can make it two for two tomorrow.
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