Friday, November 22, 2013

the momentum of progress

it has been a pretty good day. i thought i would start with that since so many of my entries of late have been about my having anything but a good day. being a "tank half full" kind of guy, it is always helpful (actually essential) to have a day that you realize that you're not moving along life's highway on empty. this fact is particularly true when you've been in a season of life in which life has seemed to have stagnated and no signs of progress are anywhere in sight.

it may be coincidence, but i've noticed over my lengthening lifetime that the sense of experiencing progress starts to happen on multiple fronts as soon as progress begins in one. it is truly the domino effect in action. knock over the first one and others begin to fall with ever increasing speed. now while the effort that it takes to move the first literal domino in a chain is fairly minimal, starting the momentum of progress in life seems to most often require courage to change, willingness to let go, and the ability to persevere through pain (be it physical, emotional, or both).

as is probably pretty evident, the first domino for me has been the break-up with michael. it was not easy, and it has indeed been painful (the emotional variety). even so,while there have been tears and sadness, i have that peace in the heart feeling that you only experience when you know you've done the right thing no matter how difficult.

over the last few days, i have been reminded and made aware of progress that is being made on several fronts here at work and again this progress has resulted because of significant effort on the parts of many people. it is good to see progress. i hope the momentum continues.

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and this is where I am