Monday, November 18, 2013

the expanded universe of the break-up

so this morning i was reminded that even when living hundreds of miles from one's ex, the chances of "running into" him still exist due to the presence of that other little corner of the internet known as facebook. a few moments ago, i logged on to my email and there awaiting me was a message stating that michael had commented on something i had linked to on facebook. that was certainly a jolt i did not need pre-first morning cup of coffee.

now i bear no animosity toward michael, and i imagine that one day we will be able to talk and correspond like old friends. today though my emotions are still a bit raw for a reminder of his existence. plus the message brought to mind that he would soon be updating his profile and making comments about said break-up and receiving sympathy messages from his friends about what a jerk i am and how could i do this to him again. many of which would trigger a message to me via email. so i naturally did what any rational, mature adult would do. i deactivated my facebook account.

given that michael lives on (and for) facebook, it seemed only logical that he get that as part of the settlement of our ended relationship. doing so reminded me of another song from sara bareilles's newest album (link posted below and i hope you've purchased the blessed unrest by now). ah, for the days when you just needed to give up a small parcel of geography like manhattan to avoid bumping into your ex.

manhattan - sara bareilles

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and this is where I am