Tuesday, January 28, 2014

i think this may be all for awhile

maybe it's the busy day. maybe it's my lingering and at times deepening depression. maybe it's the lack of sleep i got. maybe it's the fact that my life seems to be stuck in the same rut. maybe i'm just burnt out on writing about how much i'm hurting and yet that's the reality that consumes much of my non-working hours (and even at times in the work setting as well). whatever the cause is, the fact remains that i seem to be all out of things to share.

i'm not sure if this is a situation that is isolated to today or if it will turn into another lengthy hiatus from writing in this blog. it's funny, previous breaks have usually resulted from a positive turn of events in my life. sadly, if such a break should occur, it won't be because i'm living anything near a bliss filled existence.

whatever happens, i do want to thank you, who have stopped in and shared even a bit of this life's journey with me, for your engagement in this blog. it's my sincere hope that maybe something you've read here has been of help or encouragement to you. all the best to you, now and always.

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and this is where I am