i'm sure many of you have experienced in the aftermath of a break-up, particularly if said relationship dissolution has brought on a difficult emotional period, the oft-repeated reassurance from friends and family that "life will go on; it will get better." and, indeed, thanks to the wonders of the internet and a specific site known as facebook, i have seen that in the case of the end of my relationship with michael, circumstances do get better. well, they've certainly gotten better for michael.
from what i can tell, his new relationship continues to develop positively. he and his new beau are spending more time with one another and it is clear from the postings made by the new man in michael's life that that particular individual is greatly smitten. life is indeed moving on for my ex. i, on the other hand, continue to languish in a mire of depression and stasis.
while i am doing my best not to begrudge michael his happiness, i have to admit it is a challenge to see someone, who i feel created a significant number of the problematic dynamics in our relationship that certainly resulted in a great deal of pain on my part, have the opportunity to move on so quickly and so well to another chance at love. the fact that my own insecurities and self-doubts make me highly less than optimistic about my own prospects is not helping the situation.
s.r. has told me that the best way to get over one guy is to get under another one. well, s.r., it appears that michael subscribes to your school of reasoning and is a very good pupil to boot.
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