Tuesday, October 21, 2014

clear skies, overcast heart

it feels as if i'm entering another dark period where i seem almost entirely out of step with what's going on in the world around me. i don't feel particularly good about life in general and my life specifically. and as i've expressed before, that feeling alone is challenging enough. the fact that i have no idea how or when or even if it will ever change is what is the truly disheartening part.

it's been a year of feeling pretty much this way. as i shared with sean last night, i am so tired of feeling like this and i really don't think i can do this much longer. i seem to say that every day and every night and another day and another night come and go and the feeling is the same.

i used to believe that i could be happy. what is my life if i no longer have that belief?

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and this is where I am