Thursday, July 9, 2015


if there is one thing that i have stated numerous times about the challenges of dealing with clinical depression it is that what makes the situation all the more challenging is struggling with this condition alone. ever since my doctor's visit the week before last, i've been feeling the reality of this perspective even more acutely. i don't know. there's something about being told that you may need to undergo a serious medical procedure that makes one feel particularly vulnerable, in need of support and nurturing care, and, if that caring support is not imminently available, very (very) alone.

i guess it's having this feeling that would explain why i have been gravitating toward songs that speak to the subject of deep friendships, relationships, and love. i have two more for today that extol the virtues of having the presence of someone you care for and who cares for you in your life.

before sharing the first song i have in this entry, i feel it is important for me to state that i am in no way saying that i am not appreciative or don't value the few friendships i have in my life at this time. as i've stated before though, all of those relationships are very remote and with the added dynamic of their lives getting ever more busy and/or their having issues of their own to deal with, it gets quite lonely here at times. i think a better way to illustrate this experience is to share a brief story that i read in a book many years ago that dealt with the theme of god's love for us and ours for others.

 the author tells a story of this one late night when a terrible thunderstorm is taking place -- the kind where lightning seems to illuminate fully even the darkest of night skies and the thunder is so loud that it feels as if it's going to rock your home off the moors of its foundation. after one such thunder burst, the author's young daughter come running in and jumps into bed with her parents, saying she's scared and that she wants to stay with them. the author immediately shares with her that there is no need to be scared, that god is always with her, and god will be there to protect her and keep her safe. the author says that his daughter paused for a contemplative moment and then shared, "i need something with skin on."

so if you have someone with skin on looking for friend to love and be loved by, please send him my way.

someone  - linda eder (ft. michael feinstein)

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and this is where I am