Wednesday, December 30, 2015

and what are you doing?

i made a reference a couple of days ago that tomorrow night is one of the biggest date nights of the year. today's song is one that was written back in 1947 by frank loesser, a songwriter known for such classic musicals as guys and dolls and the most happy fella. he also is the writer of another popular holiday season song that i've shared earlier this month, baby it's cold outside.

well, in this particular song, the protagonist isn't trying to get his date to stay with him longer, he's actually attempting to get that date in the first place. this is one of those songs that has the kind of sophisticated charm that comes with the standards from the 30's and 40's and has been recorded by countless artists.

i think the version i've chosen is one of the best performed by an immensely talented musical stylist. he is certainly one of the dreamiest singers out there. i may not have an invitation coming my way for a new year's eve date, but i can dream about someone like harry connick jr. asking me in this way. it's  a dream i'd love see come true some day. who wouldn't?

what are you doing new year's eve? - harry connick jr.

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and this is where I am