a good new year to all! my apologies for missing yesterday's last holiday season posting. i was enjoying the company of some friends who were stopping over for the night on their relocation trip back east.
i'm taking today to post what was going to be the last song posted of 2015. it's a song that's not really a holiday song, but has a tie-in to new year's eve as it borrows a part of its title from the title of a song that has been traditionally sung as the clock strikes midnight.
it is a song about memories of relationships past of loss and regret and a moment in time when where we are in life is less than what we hoped it would be. it's a place that, a little time after my friends drove away to continue their journey to a new phase of life, i realized that i find my myself very much in.
for those of you who have dropped in for a portion or the entirety of my december holiday music postings, i appreciate your allowing me to share a portion of my favorite music with you. it's showing a piece of my heart and i value this opportunity. i also wish you the very best that 2016 has to offer!
same old lang syne - dan fogelberg
Ah, one of my favorites. Melancholy, to be sure, but still. Dan Fogelberg's "Souvenirs" is one of my favorite albums. This song isn't on it (I've got it on his greatest hits collection), but it's filled with lots of other gems.
i'll have to be sure to look for that one.
Thanks for posting this. One I've not heard in so long but remember like an old friend. Immediately tried to play on guitar, and while I love it, cannot get through without the interruption of tears. So good.
it certainly is a song that will do that to you.
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