Friday, February 21, 2014

there are moments

more stream of consciousness

there are moments when i am so grateful we are friends. there are moments i wish we had never met.

there are moments you make me smile and chuckle. there are moments when contact with you makes me feel worthless and my heart breaks open wider.

there are moments when i think "i didn't expect to like you so much." there are moments when i wish i had never opened my heart to you.

there are moments when i can't wait to hear from you. there are moments that i want to throw the phone and the computer out of the window and obliterate any connection with you.

there are moments when i long impatiently for the day we can see each other face to face again. there are moments when i regret ever agreeing to meet up at what seems like almost a lifetime ago.

there are moments when i wonder if you feel any of these same things about me. there are moments when my heart is convinced you think nothing of me at all.

there are moments when i wish you would just leave. there are moments i know that would kill me.

there are moments when i want to just close my heart to you and disappear forever. but i can't.

there are moments when my life feels like the very essence of hell on earth. now you know why.

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and this is where I am