Tuesday, July 19, 2011

and there are limitations

consider this entry a rejoinder to the first one on monday. while i still maintain there is much to be lauded about interacting with others, there still exists the potential for disappointment that can cloud even the sunniest relationship. people are in different places at different times in their lives. we bring into each encounter so much of what we've previously experienced with others. we can infer significant meaning in even the slightest remark or withdrawal. 

a priest once shared with me that the reason relationships can be difficult is that human beings are made in the image of god. from this vantage point, god is mystery. therefore, knowing people is always going to be a challenging proposition. the more i live, the more i see the wisdom of this insight. but knowing wisdom and letting it steer your heart are two different propositions all together.


xorkin said...

And, conversely, there's the potential for satisfaction in even the most contentious of relationships.

clarus65 said...

hmm, potential? perhaps. but then again "satisfaction" tends not to be my aspirational goal for the type of relationship to which i'm referring in this entry.

and this is where I am