Saturday, July 23, 2011


i'm worried about someone. perhaps needlessly so. still, in my greatly sleep deprived state, i imagine the worst of things. i wonder why no contact and what could have been the cause. i wonder if i will never hear from the person again, and it saddens me to think that might be the case. and this is a person that i've only known a short time.

i'm weary and weepy from all that has transpired in 48 hours. still, given what appears to be the ephemeral nature of online relationships, i wonder if it is safe or healthy for someone like me, who, admittedly, has abandonment issues, to get so involved. i just have difficulty feeling that just because i don't see someone every day or even in the flesh, that makes them any less of a person, any less real. and if they are a real person then they feel and i care about their well being. i just don't know.

he said one time that we were mates. i hope this is true. 

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and this is where I am